Bumper Book of 2500 Riddles for Kids

Bumper Book of 2500 Riddles for Kids

  • Author: NONE
  • Pages: 424
  • Year: 2019
  • Reading Level: For ALL
  • Book Code: Paperback
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Publisher: SHREE BOOK CENTRE
  • ₹399.00

A riddle is a question or statement of a problem worded so that it has a double or hidden meaning. It is meant to puzzle you or force you to exercise your brain in finding its meaning. Often riddles teach us something we do not know about the words or their logical relationship. The Verbal play involved in it sharpens our mind. That in turn keeps everyone around entertained. This book of riddles brings you many hours of head scratching pleasure. Enjoy these brain-teasers, see how many of them you can solve and no cheating! It's more fun if you really try on your own.

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Tags: Bumper Book of 2500 Riddles for Kids, 9789387340992, SHREE BOOK CENTRE